Successfully managing your grant award

After an award is executed, OSRP Post-Award staff has the central oversight responsibilities to ensure programmatic scopes are in accordance with the applicable regulations, terms and conditions of the award, as well as University policies and procedures.

While the process of managing sponsored project awards is a shared responsibility between the Principal Investigator (PI) and the staff of the Office of Sponsored Research and Projects (OSRP), both have unique areas of primary responsibility.  Our department handles post award items such as changes in PI, 不增加成本, 事先批准, re-budgeting, 合同谈判, sub-合同谈判 and assistance in other post award issues that may arise.

Here we outline the Principal Investigator’s role in sponsored projects management and provide Principal Investigator’s with the 密歇根州立大学丹佛 documentation and forms needed to successfully manage a sponsored project award.


The Principal Investigator has primary responsibility for the success of the project

Office of Sponsored Research and 项目

支持ing faculty and staff fundraising goals

电话: 303-605-5297

电子邮件: (电子邮件保护)

Jordan Student Success Building (JSSB)
3楼- 350号

Metropolitan State University of 丹佛
Office of Sponsored Research and 项目 (OSRP)
P.O. 173362箱