
学生参与和健康由一系列部门组成, 帮助学生做最好的自己并在学校取得成功的项目和服务, 职业生涯, 和生活. We believe that wellness is more than just earning good grades or having a good job; it also means taking care of our minds, 肉体和灵魂. 皇冠官网网站认识到生活有时充满挑战, 所以皇冠官网网站的专业团队在这里提供资源和支持. 也, 大学是尝试新事物的最佳时机, 结交新朋友,探索新的活动和兴趣, 皇冠官网网站有各种各样的节目让你参与进来. Read on to learn more about all of the programs and services available to 密歇根州立大学丹佛 students!


访问中心 recognizes disability as an integral part of diversity and is committed to creating an inclusive and equitable educational environment for students with disabilities.  Our office intentionally provides an equitable learning experience through collaboration, 服务和住宿.


校园娱乐 provides high-quality and innovative co-curricular experiences through comprehensive recreation, 健身和休闲服务,培养个人, 学生在学业和职业上的成功, 密歇根州立大学丹佛分校和奥瑞拉社区的教职员工. 的ir purpose is to foster individual and community well-being through the power of engagement, 领导, 伙伴关系和娱乐. 的y envision a community where healthy living 和生活long learning intersect to support personal, 专业和机构的成功.


的 公平与学生成就中心(CESA) mission is to support and educate students throughout their 密歇根州立大学丹佛 journey and to advocate for a campus community that promotes equity and inclusion. To achieve this, the center supports a wide variety of support services and programming.


多元文化卓越与包容中心(CMEI) 通过指导赋予有色人种学生权力, 学术支持和规划在密歇根州立大学丹佛分校茁壮成长. CMEI还提供许多其他项目和服务,包括:


 LGBTQ学生资源中心 三机构办公室是否为学生服务, 教师, 以及Auraria校园内所有性别和性取向的员工. 他们是那些遇到性问题的人的资源, 性别认同, 歧视或骚扰.


移民服务 是否有一个学术和社会支持项目旨在提高入学率, 保留, 毕业时没有证件, DACA, 移民, 难民学生. 通过学术咨询, 英语支持, 奖学金申请协助, 以及获得校园和社区资源的途径, the program’s mission is to address the most common challenges and barriers to education that this underserved, 未被充分代表的学生群体面临. 也, 该项目旨在成为这些学生在校园里的代表, 帮助员工和教职员工都支持, 同情, 并有效地为这些学生群体服务.


TRIO学生支援服务(TRIO SSS) is committed to creating a campus community where students’ goals are nurtured through individualized support and the development of an inclusive culture. 参与者可以获得包括学术支持在内的服务, 个别辅导, 同伴指导, 技巧的研讨会, 研究生院和职业准备, 财政援助申请协助, 奖学金的机会, 电脑室, 事件, 以及领导力发展.


退伍军人和军人学生服务 is a one-stop-shop for all programs, and support services for military-affiliated students on campus. Veterans and military service members are a valued and vital component to the 密歇根州立大学丹佛 learning community as they broaden the diversity of staff, 教师, 学生群体.


第一代计划 作为当前的第一代学生的资源中心,因为他们浏览校园. 的 program encourages and empowers the Roadrunner community to embrace and celebrate the multiplicity of identities the first-generation college student population holds. 的ir mission is to increase the 保留 and graduation rates of first-generation students. 他们通过建立社区来实现这一点, 作为倡导者, 提供第一代经验的教育, influencing university policies and practices to be more inclusive of the first-generation identity, and developing meaningful programs and university initiatives that support first-generation students.


 大学援助移民计划(CAMP) is a grant-funded scholarship program by the US Department of Education that’s meant to support the completion of the first year of college for eligible migrant and seasonal farmworkers and their children. 该计划提供全面的外展和入学援助, 学术支持, 经济援助和社会机会. While the program provides its most intensive assistance during the first year of college, CAMP团队可以在学生的整个大学生活中提供帮助.


的 咨询中心 能帮你平衡大学生活的需求吗, 哪些是丰富的:除了学术要求, 有财政压力, 关系问题, 工作压力会让你感到疲惫不堪. 的 staff can help you find ways to manage difficult times and provide you with a comforting place to examine your life and learn more about yourself so you can realize your potential. 该中心提供心理健康咨询, 危机干预援助, 性侵犯资源, 个别咨询, 治疗和支持小组, 工作坊(药物滥用), 学术, 个人效能和多样性), 身心活动和自助资源.


的 奥瑞瑞亚的健康中心 提供身心健康服务, 并向所有AHEC开放, CCD, 丹佛州立大学和丹佛州立大学的学生, 教职员工无论他们的保险计划如何. 从初级和预防性保健到疾病和伤害的治疗, 奥拉里亚保健中心提供全面的保健服务. 的y are committed to enhancing student success through innovative health services and the services provided are designed to keep students, 教职员工健康,使他们能够茁壮成长的个人和专业.


的 学生办公室主任 provides student support and is committed to student safety and well-being while fostering a University community of integrity and respect. It is a hub for students who need support with personal matters or difficult situations impacting their University experience. 该办公室为有需要的学生提供转介和资源, 帮助学生浏览大学流程, 解决学生的行为通过 学生行为准则, 协调援外援助小组等!


学生冲突解决服务 (SCRS) provides a variety of programs and services to support students experiencing conflict in both individual and group settings, 并通过技能建设和便利化支持. SCRS recognizes that individuals have differing needs and interests when approaching conflicts. SCRS also acknowledges that our personal experiences and social identities are fundamental to how we do and see conflict, 因此皇冠官网网站不能忽视, 低估, 或者在皇冠官网网站有冲突的时候避免谈论身份. SCRS帮助学生以一种适合他们的方式处理这些情况.


的 学生关怀中心 设有密歇根州立大学丹佛分校的案例管理服务中心. 学生护理中心提供全面的, non-clinical case management support to 密歇根州立大学丹佛 students who are facing challenging life circumstances that may prevent them from otherwise pursuing their educational goals. 病例管理人员代表CARE团队进行外展,同时中心还支持:

  • 粗暴的角落 provides assistance to students who are struggling to pay for snacks or food for meal preparation, 同时也提供了学习用品和社区空间的连接. 工作人员也可以讨论和完成 提前 申请食品援助.
  • 单站, which aims to connect students to local community and governmental resources for which they may be eligible. 单站 is an online screening tool that can estimate in minutes what public benefits students might be eligible to receive. 学生关怀中心的工作人员可以帮助学生讨论资格, 申请并跟进这些福利和资源.
  • 的 学生应急基金, an emergency stipend for students dealing with unanticipated and/or catastrophic life 事件.
  •  梦想家应急基金 an emergency stipend for 密歇根州立大学丹佛 students who have; undocumented, DACA or TPS status.


的 史诗学者计划 provides 学术 and personal supportive services to students with experience in different systems of care, (寄养, 亲属照顾, 法定监护, 青年服务科), 还有那些自认是无人陪伴青少年的学生, 解放未成年人, 和独立学生通过财政援助办公室.


司法影响学生倡议 is developing and advisory board to help build supports for justice-impacted students at 密歇根州立大学丹佛. Justice impacted students are Individuals who have been impacted by the juvenile/criminal justice system – through policing, 法院, 缓刑, 假释, 监禁, and other correctional strategies – or who have loved ones or family members who have been impacted by the justice system. 的 board will identify and discuss how to address the host of challenges justice impacted students have when enrolling and completing their education.